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Undergraduate program at Trinity University – Bourse d’études USA 2021

If you are passionate about music and want to earn a degree in this wonderful field, then apply for Music Stings Scholarships at Trinity University. The grant is open for the academic year 2021/2022. This scholarship package is available for all prospective international undergraduate students. The award of the program ranges from $1,500 – $10,000 per year. Since 1869, Trinity University has been helping students build experiences, talents, and abilities. Located in the heart of San Antonio, Texas, it is a highly regarded private, liberal arts and Science College. Between six-degree programs, it offers 49 majors and 61 minors and houses more than 2,500 students. Why would you like to join Trinity University? Trinity University prepares learners to lead positive and purposeful lives. Through deep and practical thinking and action, the university encourages lifelong interest, generating new knowledge.

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