
The Jacobs Foundation

The Jacobs Foundation invests in the future of young people so that they become socially responsible and productive members of society.
In order to achieve this goal, children and youth must be given better opportunities for positive development and equitable access to education. Whatever their background, place of residence or family income, all children should have the chance to reach their full potential.
Early childhood plays a key role in this context; research has shown that this is the most important developmental phase in a person’s life. Moreover, educational programs and resources need to address each child’s individual needs. In the 21st century, new technologies aimed at facilitating individualized learning are becoming increasingly important. This is why the Jacobs Foundation is funding global research on learning and child development, supporting innovative scientists and implementing practical projects in early childhood and rural livelihoods.




Bourses proposées par The Jacobs Foundation

Scholarship Provider: The Jacobs Foundation is one of the world’s leading charitable foundations dedicated to facilitating innovations for children and youth. It was founded ...


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