
Liste des bourses au Danemark

Explorez toutes les opportunités de bourses au Danemark pour les étudiants africains, y compris les bourses d'études, de voyage et de stage. Le Danemark est une destination prisée pour les étudiants internationaux en raison de sa réputation pour l'enseignement de haute qualité et son engagement en faveur de l'innovation. La liste des bourses offertes pour étudier au Danemark est également impressionnante, allant de bourses pour les études de premier cycle à des bourses pour les études supérieures et la recherche. Ces bourses sont offertes par diverses organisations, notamment le gouvernement danois, les universités danoises, les organisations privées et les fondations.

Job description  Your key tasks as a Ph.D. fellow at the Faculty are to: Carry through an independent research project under supervision. Write scientific articles and the Ph.D. t...


PROGRAMME OUTLINE The four-year programme is divided into a pre-doctoral year followed by three years of PhD training at one of the four Novo Nordisk Foundation Research Centers em...


Project description   The aim of this study is to develop spectroscopic methods based on advanced multivariate data analysis for characterizing colloidal status of fruit-based ju...


ELIGIBILITY The applicant must be a nurse and meet the requirements for attaining the PhD degree following the rules and regulations of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science...


Before you apply Contact a supervisor Before you apply, you must find a main supervisor. Contact the department where you wish to study and discuss your research interests with a s...


The PhD student will join a research program that will examine China’s changing economy and transitioning employment relations by looking at how work is being re-organized, along...


Are you: Scientifically curious and determined to go for a PhD degree? Eager to understand why diseases arise and how they can be treated? Driven to strengthen your scientific crea...


Examples of research areas that a scholarship might cover:  Genealogies of theologico-economic concepts and practices Economic rationalities, neoliberal morality and affect The re...


The focus of the experimental work in our group is on: Developing new specialized experimental techniques in close collaboration with engineers and our in-house high-level workshop...


The research agenda for this PhD project is to explore co-creation processes in relation to wind energy solutions on land in Denmark. Co-creation is heralded for creating legitimac...


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