Gouvernement Japonais l Bourses-etudiants.ma

Gouvernement Japonais

African Business Education Initiative for Youth. This program offers opportunities for young and eligible African men and women to study at Master’s courses in Japanese universities as international students and to experience internships at Japanese enterprises in order to develop effective skills and knowledge in various fields for contributing the development of industries in Africa. At the 5th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD V), it is recognized that there is a need for human resource development in both private and public sectors of Africa in order to cultivate a strong human network between Japan and Africa




Bourses proposées par Gouvernement Japonais

Host Institution(s): Universities in Japan Fields of study: Those who wish to study in Japan as an undergraduate student must choose a field of major from two major fields: (1) Soc...


Cycles d’études des programme des Bourses de recherche Japon 2023 par Gouvernement japonais : Undergraduate Students : Bourse pour les bacheliers pour une durée de 5 ans (7 ans...


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